Aakruthi Natureville for Wildlife

Aakruthi Natureville for Wildlife. We Care & we tell you how!

Published by admin April 22, 2019

The wildlife is dying and everybody is doing their bit to save the wonderful species, we are sure. India is home to a wide, varied range of wildlife species spread across lands and water and there are hundreds of people, NGOs and corporations investing their time and money to save each one of them in some way or the other. They are all together contributing to provide shelter, food and better living conditions for these animals.

There is also an equally large population of volunteers trying to protect the wildlife animals that are trapped in captivity. Regulating private ownership of different wild animals has always been one of the biggest challenges for the nation’s authorities. Even though India has stringent laws and policies against such activities, the casual attitude towards law & order of a few citizens makes it even more difficult for the wildlife conservation bodies to keep a check and put a complete end to all of this.

One such beautiful species is the Elephants. The gentle giants are loved all around the globe as a wild mammal but are also one of the largest captivated wild animals. India is of prime importance for the survival of these species as the elephant plays a central role in Indian life and has done for many centuries. Elephants are closely associated with religious and cultural heritage, playing an important role in the country’s history as well. But unfortunately, these wild jumbos are tamed and exploited as a source of income. Temples, zoos, hire for events and many such other places and occasions hire elephants only for the sole purpose of training them and turning them into the centre of attraction and monetize it. While we have been an equal part of the system in enjoying the sight of decorated elephants, it’s long we understood the need to step up and do our bit.

Aakruthi Natureville with all humbleness takes pride in associating with Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, Bengaluru (WRRC) to help the Jumbos have a sound habitat for themselves once they retire. Retire? Yes. The habitat of elephants is shrinking by each passing day and for the domesticated ones, with heavy captivity, it is even more stressful because they’re set free right after a long time of service stating inability to help earn money for the owner and an additional liability because of the age. It basically means that once the tamed elephant grows old and found to be of no use, it is forced to retire and often left unattended.

India has lost nearly 2,330 elephants or 10% of the population since the last elephant census in 2012, from around 30,000 in 2012, the figure dropped to 27,312 in 2017. The rest died as habitats were lost. Putting a ban on domestication for entertainment and show purposes of elephants can prove to boost the wild elephant conservation but for now, the question is, how do we protect and conserve the ones already under captivity? The ones not young enough to survive on their own?

This thought is what drove Aakruthi Natureville, Whitefield to sanction Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre about 4 acres of land to host the old and traumatized animals in order to help them heal and make them stay in a healthy atmosphere. Our association with this Bengaluru based NGO is about a year old and is since then been an important part of our project.

The land sanctioned to WRRC is part of Aakruthi Natureville’s campus in Whitefield and at present is home to two full-grown elephants. Calm and composed under the care of trained professionals around them 24×7. The team of WRRC has been granted with the complete authority of that land and is free to host as many animals as it can within the capacity of our doings.

Our support to such causes knows no boundaries and shall remain a primary area of thought forever. All that Aakruthi Group wishes to achieve from this is high level of awareness of these cases and motivate more and more citizens to volunteer for wildlife conservation. For saving the habitats is saving the planet.

Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, Bengaluru for Elephants-

WRRC has fought many court battles on behalf of the Asian elephant, especially in Karnataka. It has approached the court to keep elephant migratory corridors intact and even to stop aircraft flypasts over Dusshera procession involving elephants. The latest petition in the Supreme Court is one that might change the fate of captive and wild elephants in the country. The petition asks that the country slowly phase out all private ownership of elephants citing abysmal treatment and outright cruelty.

Aakruthi Natureville is happy to welcome you on a site visit to explore and experience the true essence of nature around your next wise investment and possible dream home. We’ll be equally happy to have you visit the elephants and know more about the programme. For location, features, pricing and other information log on to